Male leafhopper’s choice behavior in response to different maize and conspecific cues
Comportamiento de elección de la chicharra macho en respuesta a diferentes señales de maíz y de su misma especie
DOI: clave:
Olfactometer, chemical ecology, pests, odorsResumen
The corn leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (Delong and Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is a significant pest of maize (Zea mays L.) across the Americas, particularly noted for its role in transmitting various phytopathogens. Although direct damage from sap ingestion is minimal, the economic impact of these pathogens has been severe, resulting in substantial yield losses. Despite the pest’s agricultural importance, little research has focused on its olfactory selection and the potential influence of volatile cues from host plants or conspecifics. This study investigated whether male D. maidis preferentially chose volatiles emitted from maize plants, conspecifics, or a combination of both. Behavioral observations carried out in a four-armed olfactometer revealed that male leafhoppers spent significantly more time in the arm containing the scent of both sexes than the arm with the scent of other males, although responses to female scents were not significantly different across treatments. We also did not found differences regarding the number of choices for the scented arm and the visit duration in response to different stimuli from plants. The results indicate a generally neutral choice towards the tested volatiles, suggesting that D. maidis males may rely more on other sensory inputs for host selection. This research lays the foundation for future studies on the chemical ecology of D. maidis, with implications for developing innovative pest management strategies.
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