Advances in the phylogeny of the genus Tulostoma in Mexico, new records for the country, Jalisco and Zacatecas
Avances en la filogenia del género Tulostoma en México, nuevos registros para el país, Jalisco y Zacatecas
DOI: clave:
Agaricaceae, Agaricales, ITS, Molecular phylogeny, Neotropical, nucLSUResumen
Fungi of the genus Tulostoma are part of the diverse order Agaricales. These fungi comprise a monophyletic group characterized by globose-stipitate basidiomes, a powdery gleba, and a stipe with a volva or volvoid structure. Tulostoma is considered cosmopolitan; however, little is known about its species diversity and phylogenetic relationships in the Neotropics region. We used Tulostoma specimens from Mexico to assess the global diversity of the Tulostoma genus and the phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Tulostoma species. DNA sequences of two regions, the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and the 28S nuclear subunit (LSU), were used to construct a phylogenetic hypothesis and discuss the phylogenetic relationships with Paleotropical and Paleartic Tulostoma species. A total of 224 sequences of Tulostoma were analyzed, including 16 new sequences from Mexican specimens and one from Spain. The phylogenetic results, which considered both morphological traits and the ITS and LSU sequences, did not support the previous identification of most of the 16 Mexican specimens of Tulostoma, which was based on morphological traits. The phylogenetic analysis validated a new report for Mexico Tulostoma rufum, and three new records of Tulostoma for western Mexico (Tulostoma fimbriatum, T. striatum and T. xerophilum) from paleotropics and palearctics present in the Neotropical region, wish shows the high diversity of the genus in this region that has been little studied. Our study contributes to the knowledge of the Tulostoma genus, which includes species considered pseudocryptic due to their high morphological variability. Moreover, our study emphasizes the need for molecular techniques to support taxa determination.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Olivia Rodríguez Alcántar, Darío Figueroa-García, Eduardo Ruíz-Sanchez, Pilar Zamora-Tavares, María de Jesús Herrera-Fonseca, Martín Esqueda, Ofelia Vargas-Ponce

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