Our Distance to Environmental Culture
Enviromental Culture, Enviromental Sociology, Enviromental management, Governmental attitude, Public institutions, Business policies, Public policies, Social Response.Abstract
Five years after the 1972 Earth Summit, “future generations” were discussed. Forty years later, these generations exist and cohabit the planet and if we take a look at the proportions of man’s intervention in his environment, we will find data that unfortunately confirm our approach to the threshold of the productive equilibrium of ecosystems. This is we have more conflicts now than before the international call to protect the productive balance of ecosystems from the perspective of biomass, we find that there are one hundred million tons of wild animals on the planet, against three hundred million tons of humans and seven hundred million tons of domesticated animals. So, at present, 90% of the world’s largest animals are domestic (Harari 2016). So, the Environmental Culture is so far from our Mexican society and more from the Jalisco, as we and the current generations determine it. we must accept that, we address the problems as they arise, when our sense of planning and prevention has not yet been ordered, in Jalisco the environmental management is reduced to only three or six years; (at each change of public administration) However, at the end of each six-year term, in the state and federal cases or every three years in the municipality, there are still no real indicators that convince us that we are on the right path. While government decisions and social construction are alien to scientific knowledge and the reasoning of knowledge, the goal of environmental management will hardly be achieved: Safeguarding the future.
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UNESCO. 1980. La educación ambiental. Las grandes orientaciones de la conferencia de Tbilisi. Disponi¬ble desde Internet en: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ima¬ges/0003/000385/038550so.pdf