Rendimiento y componentes del rendimiento en maíz (Zea mays L.) nativo bajo condiciones de inundación

Yield and yield components in native corn (Zea mays L.) under flooded conditions


  • José Alberto Salvador Escalante Estrada Colegio de Postgraduados
  • Yolanda Isabel Escalante Estrada Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Cid Aguilar Carpio Colegio de Postgraduados



Fenología, crecimiento inicial, n´úmero de mazorcas


Under rainfed or irrigated conditions, the crop may be subject to flood conditions, whose effect on growth and yield depends on the phenological stage in which it occurs. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of flooding in the vegetative and reproductive stages on the growth and yield of native Azul corn. The study was carried out in Montecillo, Texcoco, State of Mexico with a temperate climate. Planting was carried out on May 12, 2018 in a clay soil with a pH of 7.8 at a population density of 4.16 plants m⁻². To give the flood conditions, rainwater was combined with irrigation. It is concluded that in Azul maize, flooding in the vegetative period reduces the size of the canopy and biomass. During the flowering, it generates a less thick stem, higher percentage of plants without ears, small ears, fewer grains per row, smaller grain, lowest harvest index, biomass and grain yield per plant and m⁻². The growth cycle of maize is shortened by ten days. The stem height is not affected.


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How to Cite

Escalante Estrada, J. A. S., Escalante Estrada, Y. I., & Aguilar Carpio, C. (2023). Rendimiento y componentes del rendimiento en maíz (Zea mays L.) nativo bajo condiciones de inundación: Yield and yield components in native corn (Zea mays L.) under flooded conditions. E-CUCBA, (20), 79–84.