Effect of forest management on forest ecosystems
Effect of forest management on forest ecosystems
Forest ecosystems, effect of handling, axes of forest management, silvicultural treatmentsAbstract
Currently, sustainable management has been promoted as a tool for environmental conservation and the socioeconomic development of local populations. Based on this principle, the objective of this study was to conduct a review of research to analyze the effect of forest management on forest ecosystems, starting with the identification of silvicultural treatments used in the country and the results obtained from their implementation. It was found that the application of thinning and selection treatments does not have an effect on changes in structure, species diversity, and tree dynamics. Intensive treatments such as clear-cutting promote greater timber increment by using immediate plantation, making them recommended practices for increasing the timber productivity of forests. Silvicultural practices contribute to improving the utilization grade of site quality and, consequently, increasing biomass and carbon stocks. The resilience capacity of ecosystems and management aimed at maintaining an ecologically and environmentally sustainable balance allow for the use of utilization as a tool to increase productivity capacity and carbon sinks.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Viridiana S. Galván-Moreno, Oscar A. Aguirre-Calderón, Eduardo Alanís-Rodríguez, Javier Jiménez-Pérez, Eduardo J. Treviño-Garza, Jesús Miguel Olivas-García, L. Gerardo Cuéllar-Rodríguez
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