Factores de riesgo en jóvenes conductores de automóviles en el área metropolitana de Guadalajara, México
Risk factors in young car drivers of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Mexico
Traffic accidents, crashes, health risk behaviors, exposure, vulnerabilityAbstract
In the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (GMA), Mexico, the main cause of premature death in young adults is injuries caused by traffic accidents (TA). Exposure and vulnerability factors to traffic accidents in young drivers were analyzed for this area. To do so, a mixed research was conducted, based on an interpretive paradigm. To determine the exposure and vulnerability of young people to TA, secondary data sources and interviews with young people aged 16 to 24 years, with a history of TA as a driver, were used. Recommendations for action are proposed. As a result, driver behaviors (73%) stood out as an exposure factor to TA and emotional disturbance (84%) as a vulnerability factor. The GMA is characterized by a high number of vehicles per capita, mobility mainly by private cars, poor road culture, dispersed urban growth without planning, and a favorable context for TA. Reducing AT in young people requires reducing exposure: changing risk behaviors and driver attention, road education, regulatory monitoring, reducing the number of vehicles per capita, prioritizing non-motorized mobility by improving public transportation and road infrastructure, creating safe environments, and evaluating the effectiveness of implemented measures.
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