Otohematoma equine and its surgical approach


  • Rubén Anguiano Estrella
  • Claudia Nayeli Anguiano Sevilla
  • Annel Karina Romero García




Otoserohematoma,Otohematoma auris, fibrous blood clots, abatement, pinna.


The present investigation reports a pathology that affects the pinna of the equines known as «Otohematoma, Otoserohemato­ma, Hematoma auris or auricular pseudocyst» which is characterized by the accumulation of blood and serous fluid located at the level of the subchondral, intracondral and pericondral affecting primarily the concave surface; although, can occur on both sides. The exact cause of this condition is unknown; however, our research and multiple observations indicate that its origin is associated with tick’s infestation, enclosed trau­ma that generate ruptures of blood vessels and mites, and is complicated by iatrogenic therapies that generate secondary bacterial infections.The characteristic symptoms are des­cribed, and the surgical procedure used in its treatment, which applies to small species and human patients. There are no reports of this disease in the equine specie. We describes the satisfactory results obtained when patients are intervene on a ti­mely manner, as well as post-sur­gical therapy, the results of the his­topathological and bacteriological tests concluding that the knowledge of the surgical technique used will allow practitioners and surgeons of horses an alternative healing for their equine patients.



How to Cite

Anguiano Estrella, R., Anguiano Sevilla, C. N., & Romero García, A. K. (2018). Otohematoma equine and its surgical approach. E-CUCBA, (8), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.32870/e-cucba.v0i8.77




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