Detection of antibodies against Trichinella spiralis in horse samples by means of immunodiagnostic tests
Trichinella, immunodiagnostic tests, horse.Abstract
Trichinosis is considered a zoonosis transmissible to man by consumption of raw or undercooked pork with viable larvae of Trichinella spiralis, the horse is related to human transmission. The export of horses, Mexico and Yugoslavia showed the importance of the consumption of infected horse meat, when outbreaks originated in France. The clinical diagnosis by absence of manifestations, can be subclinical and go unnoticed. Direct methods such as trichinoscopy and artificial digestion; they are used to detect larvae, while immunoenzymatic methods detect antibodies against muscle larval antigens. The objective of this study was to determine the presence of specific antibodies against Trichinella spiralis by immunodiagnostic tests (ELISA and Western Blot) in standing horses. Methodology: 200 horse serum samples were obtained, the antigen used immunoenzymatic tests, consisted of the products obtained from excretion and secretion (E/S) of the muscle larvae (LM) of T. spiralis, using the determination of antibodies by ELISA and confirming with WB. Results and discussion: The 200 horse sera were negative for ELISA and Western Blot tests. 142 were males and 58 females, reflecting a good animal health status that does not represent a risk if the horses are sent to the trail for consumption. On the other hand, immunodiagnostic techniques for the detection of antibodies have a high sensitivity and specificity. Conclusions: The horses analyzed for detection of antibodies against T. spiralis in this study do not represent a public health hazard, so these animals are free of trichina. It is important that equine meat be inspected to avoid risks to the consumer.
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