Estimated effects of climate variability on agricultural production in Colombia

Estimated effects of climate variability on agricultural production in Colombia


  • Sioux Fanny Melo León Departamento Nacional de Planeación.
  • Germán David Romero Otálora Departamento Nacional de Planeación.
  • Diego Alejandro Buitrago Departamento Nacional de Planeación.
  • Leidy Caterine Riveros Departamento Nacional de Planeación.
  • Carolina Díaz Giraldo Departamento Nacional de Planeación.
  • Santiago A. Roa-Ortiz Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria-AGROSAVIA. Centro de Investigación.



Agricultural economics, climate adaptation, irrigation districts, multidimensional data panel


The objectives of this document are to assess the impact of climate variability on agricultural production in Colombia and identify the effectiveness of irrigation districts as an adaptation measure. For the analysis, a panel of multidimensional data with random effects was used to estimate the effect on crops reported in 1,101 Colombian municipalities, between 2007 and 2017. Two variables were taken as climatic shocks: the sum of the absolute differences in the monthly precipitation compared to its historical mean and the average of the differences in the monthly temperature with respect to its historical average. The interaction between irrigation districts and rainfall levels was used as an adaptability variable. The results indicate that the three-dimensional data panel model presented in this paper showed great applicability despite its low use and the small number of documents that exist on climate effects on agricultural production. The main conclusions are that temperature increases lead to decreases in agricultural production and that irrigation districts as a measure of adaptation to climate variability do not appear to have a significant impact to counteract it. We found that practices such as the use of shades could influence the reduction of temperatures locally. Similarly, it is necessary to analyses the impact of measures that mitigate the effects associated with changes in temperature rather than those related to the precipitation regime.


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How to Cite

Melo León, S. F., Romero Otálora, G. D., Buitrago, D. A., Caterine Riveros, L., Díaz Giraldo, C., & Roa-Ortiz, S. A. (2024). Estimated effects of climate variability on agricultural production in Colombia: Estimated effects of climate variability on agricultural production in Colombia. E-CUCBA, (21), 133–141.

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