Agricultural employment in Jalisco as an opportunity business for women.


  • Herlinda Landín Alcántar
  • Sergio Joel Palomino Núñez
  • Juan Pablo Mena Castañeda
  • Emmanuel Rodrigo Marín Orozco



Income, well-being, job opportunities, participation in the economy


Women in rural areas seek participation and job opportunities to contribute to the family income and well-being so they feel assured of obtaining a greater benefit for the sustenance of their homes. In some municipalities of Jalisco the workforce of women in the countryside is important, because it performs diverse activities that require greater delicacy as in the cutting of fruit trees in greenhouse, egg handling in poultry farms, flower cutting, among others However, the income obtained by the activities performed is lower in relation to the activities carried out by men. It has been observed that there are still different salaries by type of gender, no matter the preparation, responsibility or equal activity in the different municipalities of the state of Jalisco. Regarding the answers obtained from the different communities, participation in the economy is not very representative in the case of women in relation to men, usually they are temporary activities, as well as with lower income in many occasions.


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How to Cite

Landín Alcántar, H., Palomino Núñez, S. J., Mena Castañeda, J. P., & Marín Orozco, E. R. (2018). Agricultural employment in Jalisco as an opportunity business for women. E-CUCBA, (9), 43–48.




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