Monitoring of climatic variables in the production of the mushroom fungus (Pleurotus ostreatus)
Monitoring of climatic variables in the production of the mushroom fungus (Pleurotus ostreatus)
Temperature, relative humidity, enthalpy, net present value, internal rate of returnAbstract
Mushrooms are sensitive to changes in temperature and relative humidity, keeping these variables at optimal levels helps to generate better quality, higher yields, and can also prevent pests and diseases. The objectives of this work were to present the production process of the mushroom fungus, monitor the temperature and relative humidity that exists in the production warehouse. This research was carried out in a production unit located in Texcoco Mexico, where two different experiments were carried out, in each experiment six bags were planted with a total of 20 kg of moist substrate. The highest production was obtained in experiment two with 12.89 kg, while in experiment one 10.93 kg was generated. Another important aspect in this work was enthalpy. The range of the calculated enthalpy for experiment one was from 15 kJ kg⁻¹ to 95.73 kJ kg⁻¹ and for experiment two was from 22.27 kJ kg⁻¹ to 88.97 kJ kg⁻¹ Another objective was to know the fixed and variable expenses that are incurred when producing the mushroom and to determine some economic indicators to know if the production of mushrooms on a small scale is profitable.
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