Partial results of the determination of antimicrobial residues in muscle and kidney from pigs slaughtered in two municipal slaughterhouses of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara.


  • Kevin Brian Magallón Carrizales
  • Carlos Pacheco Gallardo
  • Mario Noa Pérez
  • Delia Guillermina González Aguilar
  • Oscar Alfonso Barrón Arias



antibiotic, muscle, kidney, bacterial resistance.


The use of antibiotics as growth promoters is of an extended practice in porcine farms, that generates antimicrobial resistance in pathogen bacteria. The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial residues in muscle and kidney of pigs collected from two slaughter houses located in the Guadalajara Metropolitan area using the agar diffusion microbiological test with Bacillus subtillis BGA. So far it was detected 18 positive, 10 and 22 negative suspected samples, compared with 12 positive, 20 and 18 negative suspected samples results obtained in the second slaughter house. These results demonstrate that restriction periods for slaughtering is probably not respected, requiring greater vigilance by the authorities to the presence of these antimicrobial residues in pork meat



How to Cite

Magallón Carrizales, K. B., Pacheco Gallardo, C., Noa Pérez, M., González Aguilar, D. G., & Barrón Arias, O. A. (2018). Partial results of the determination of antimicrobial residues in muscle and kidney from pigs slaughtered in two municipal slaughterhouses of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara. E-CUCBA, (8), 19–24.




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