Diversity of macroalgae of the Jalisco coast and its relationship with some environmental variables

Diversity of macroalgae of the Jalisco coast and its relationship with some environmental variables


  • Ildefonso Enciso-Padilla Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Eduardo Ríos-Jara Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Ma. del Carmen Esqueda-González Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Rosalba Mireya Hernández-Herrera Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Ernesto López-Uriarte Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Eduardo Juárez-Carrillo Universidad de Guadalajara




Flora, ambientes, sustrato, estacionalidad, ensamblaje de especies


The Jalisco coast presents a great heterogeneity of environments that provide the necessary conditions for the establishment and development of macroalgae; These environments are described in the present study, relating them to the diversity of macroalgae recorded and collected in 19 locations on the Jalisco coast from 2000 to 2018. The results show that the very particular and heterogeneous characteristics and conditions in each of the locations were determinants for the richness and distribution of species to be different along the coast of Jalisco. The locality with the highest species richness was Chamela, with 105 registered species, being the rocky substrate where most of the species were found, regardless of the time of year (rainy and dry season). Through a classification analysis, based on the presence/absence of species, and a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), three geographical zones were recognized on the Jalisco coast: north, center and south, this being the one that registered the highest number of species. (193).


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How to Cite

Enciso-Padilla, I., Ríos-Jara, E., Esqueda-González , M. del C., Hernández-Herrera, R. M., López-Uriarte, E., & Juárez-Carrillo, E. (2023). Diversity of macroalgae of the Jalisco coast and its relationship with some environmental variables: Diversity of macroalgae of the Jalisco coast and its relationship with some environmental variables. E-CUCBA, (20), 01–11. https://doi.org/10.32870/ecucba.vi20.291

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