The Melipona bee in Puebla: record of a sustainable production

The Melipona bee in Puebla: record of a sustainable production


  • Leticia Muñoz Langarica Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México. Academia de Ciencias Ambientales.
  • Marah Itzel Robles Sandoval Universidad de Guadalajara. Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias.
  • Alejandro Muñoz Urias Universidad de Guadalajara. Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias.
  • Martha Isabel Torres-Morán Universidad de Guadalajara. Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias.



bees, honey production, meliponiculture


In present time, it is very common to hear about actions that harm the environment. That result in the destruction of habitats, threats to the flora and fauna of many places on the planet and the modification of the environment by exotic species. The repercussions that this will have on our planet in the coming years could be very serious for insects, since they are the structural and functional basis of most of the ecosystems on the planet. Stingless bees are found in a large part of our country, occupying diverse environments, and have been found in both dry and humid forests, and are the main agent of pollination service. There is an important relationship between melipona bees and inhabitants of the Sierra Norte region of Puebla, where honey, propolis and wax are produced, which are highly appreciated products in these communities, for the treatment of diseases, food and generation of economic resources for the families of the place.
Knowledge of the management of melipona bees would allow for the formulation of strategies and synergies between the agricultural sector and the conservation of local ecosystems, in order to propose strategies for the conservation, promotion and sustainable use of species that are based on these interactions. This paper documents the management of the production of melipona bees of the species Scaptotrigona mexicana in communities in the state of Puebla.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Langarica, L., Robles Sandoval, M. I., Muñoz Urias, A., & Torres-Morán, M. I. (2025). The Melipona bee in Puebla: record of a sustainable production: The Melipona bee in Puebla: record of a sustainable production. E-CUCBA, (24), 74–78.

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